
Same Job, Same Pay, right?

July 26, 2024

Most folk want to be paid the same as the next person doing the same job, it’s only fair. It has been good to read in recent weeks of the big supermarkets increasing the hourly rate for their employees. The cost of living crisis has impacted most people and continues […]

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Why reward schemes for warehouse workers work!

September 7, 2023

Bonus schemes for hourly paid workers aren’t a new concept, yet surprisingly, despite labour and skills shortages being a longstanding headache for the sector, employee reward schemes have previously not seemed popular across the industry. In the first of a two-part blog, Dave Morris, Operations Director at Vitesse® explains the […]

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Time to get data savvy

August 21, 2023

For businesses, data is the new oil – and most are in a ‘rush’ to ensure they capture a complete picture of their business operations in order to continually improve and plan ahead. But the trouble is, there is so much data. New job functions and new departments are springing […]

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How Vitesse helps you reward and retain your workers

August 15, 2023

Finding and holding on to employees has always been a challenge in the logistics industry, but with the lowest unemployment levels in decades and tougher post-Brexit immigration rules, this has leapt up the priority list. Dave Morris, Operations Director at Vitesse explores what questions to ask when formulating a staff […]

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The Dark Art of Forecasting

August 9, 2023

Suddenly we are beyond the halfway point in the year.  Peak planning will be underway, or nearing completion, in many operations and most will be wrestling with the knotty problem of producing a reasonably accurate forecast. Forecasting is all about eliminating surprises, but it is no easy task when outcomes […]

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Getting the data right on OPEX with Vitesse

July 26, 2023

Trying to catch up with inflation has made it a massive challenge for businesses to contain operating expenses (OPEX). Beleaguered executives are having their budgets hammered in every way from being allocated the same budget as last year, with limits placed on capital expenditure (CAPEX) leaving nothing to spend on […]

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How Vitesse Works – An Introduction

July 19, 2023

Bringing Fairness & Reward to the Workplace Understanding how and where employees are spending their time in the warehouse is essential to the bottom-line. Dave Morris, Operations Director at Vitesse, explains the revolutionary approach of its cloud-based productivity software to define these parameters in a way that recognises and rewards […]

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