
Same Job, Same Pay, right?

July 26, 2024

Most folk want to be paid the same as the next person doing the same job, it’s only fair. It has been good to read in recent weeks of the big supermarkets increasing the hourly rate for their employees. The cost of living crisis has impacted most people and continues […]

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Before & After Warehouse Automation

July 22, 2024

Interest in warehouse automation is increasing as is the number of vendors in the market. Most warehouse operators are considering automation to ensure their customers are serviced at an optimal cost and to ensure continuity of service. Most will remember not that long ago it was difficult to find people […]

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Warehouse Automation and LMS can Collaborate

November 15, 2023

Warehouses are an expensive and essential part of the supply chain. Warehouse operators heading into peak will have the daily challenge of handling volatile volumes and perhaps even more challenging, working with inaccurate forecasts. Those two scenarios combined make space planning an art form not a science as it does […]

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Quick Maths with Vitesse Part II – Cost of Living Increases

October 5, 2023

Inflation may be coming down but the cost of running a warehouse continues to rise with pressure from energy prices and rental increases, on top of the annual cost of living adjustment to maintain your biggest asset, namely your workforce. If only there was a way to fund these cost […]

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From Performance Pains to Performance Gains

September 29, 2023

The annual performance review is an opportunity to talk openly and in confidence about recent performances and expectations going forwards, done well, it benefits everyone. Things would be much more productive if organisations adopted a continuous performance approach, according to a recent HR Zone Webinar about unlocking people’s potential with […]

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Fair’s Fair – how to implement a fairer workers’ reward scheme

September 22, 2023

Following on from our last blog on the importance of introducing incentives and rewards for staff as a way of boosting overall efficiency and morale in your warehouse, Vitesse Operations Director Dave Morris goes on to explain the basics of setting up a rewards scheme. To have an effective system […]

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Measuring Up

September 12, 2023

We’ve had a summer of glorious cars paraded at the likes of the Goodwood Festival of Speed, Salon Privé at Blenheim Palace and Monterey Car week in California, each showcasing the latest technologies alongside reminders of historic engineering excellence and innovation, it’s clear that iconic brands Ferrari, Aston Martin, Ford, […]

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