Bonus Scheme

Same Job, Same Pay, right?

July 26, 2024

Most folk want to be paid the same as the next person doing the same job, it’s only fair. It has been good to read in recent weeks of the big supermarkets increasing the hourly rate for their employees. The cost of living crisis has impacted most people and continues to do so. Businesses similarly […]

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Fair’s Fair – how to implement a fairer workers’ reward scheme

September 22, 2023

Following on from our last blog on the importance of introducing incentives and rewards for staff as a way of boosting overall efficiency and morale in your warehouse, Vitesse Operations Director Dave Morris goes on to explain the basics of setting up a rewards scheme. To have an effective system of performance pay, measures should […]

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Why reward schemes for warehouse workers work!

September 7, 2023

Bonus schemes for hourly paid workers aren’t a new concept, yet surprisingly, despite labour and skills shortages being a longstanding headache for the sector, employee reward schemes have previously not seemed popular across the industry. In the first of a two-part blog, Dave Morris, Operations Director at Vitesse® explains the importance of introducing incentives and […]

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Vitesse - Labour Management Software

Reward schemes: A tool for warehouse efficiency

November 10, 2022

Bonus schemes for hourly paid workers aren’t a new concept, yet in today’s warehousing world they’ve somewhat gone out of fashion. However, they are making a comeback, with employers recognising the benefits of introducing such schemes for warehouses. In our latest blog, we explain how warehouses can implement bonus schemes and the importance of introducing […]

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