Warehouse Cost Containment

Post peak reviews will have taken place by now and actions agreed to improve the next one.

Service and Cost are always high on the list of topics under review – how can one be improved and the other reduced.

Vitesse can help on both fronts.

Vitesse reduces both direct and indirect labour costs –

  • Direct costs by reducing lost time & improving individual levels of performance
  • Indirect costs by reducing the amount of administration hours needed in manual/analogue/UPH measured warehouses

Vitesse helps to protect service levels by ensuring targets set for the day are monitored, in near real time, to ensure service commitments are met but as importantly highlighting where issues are beginning to surface

In knowing at granular level where there are issues in the operation managers can set about taking pro active steps to rescue a shift that might have got away from them had they not got the information at their fingertips.

  • Driving costs out of the warehouse has huge benefits by positively impacting cashflow – people are paid weekly or monthly and the soon to be increased employer costs following soon after to HMRC.

  • Driving costs out of the warehouse has further benefits by increasing margins creating the potential for investments to be considered.

Taking about 7 weeks to implement, Vitesse can be in situ in time for the next peak trading period.


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Daniel Dodd

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