Leadership could be described as the pursuit of results through people.
Targets are an everyday thing in logistics – achieving and exceeding serving levels are paramount as is the delivery of that service within cost parameters. Vitesse reduces direct operating expenses by measuring the efficiency and utilisation of employees. For Vitesse to thrive, visual and engaging leadership is essential.
Vitesse turns warehouse data in to actionable insights for operational managers to improve performance levels – they can do this by reducing lost and unaccounted for time and by increasing the efficiency of individuals and teams. First and foremost – establishing the ‘why’ – Selling Vitesse to a site management team is a vital component of a successful adoption. Why is a site, that has hitherto operated on the out of date metric of ‘UPH’ (units per hour) to measure an employees performance, will we now use efficiency and utilisation calculations? Who gains? – we explain this in full.
Vitesse measures everybody the same and helps to reduce unintended bias. Replacing UPH with a fairer measure of performance enhances the quality of the workplace.
One must also be empathetic to those managers who fear the change as a result of a lack of confidence to adopt a new technology – reassurance and high quality training is key. Change can be scary if you aren’t driving it, we are aware of this and ensure our induction programme captures those concerns. Once the team are on board and have an understanding of the kind of change they will be part of we move on to setting performance standards. Vitesse can extract data to show historical performance levels to help team see their current levels of performance and have a benchmark, a starting point – the historic data in of itself can be eye opening.
Leadership of the site really comes to fore in this phase – what is the site’s strategy for an employee who consistently hits, if not exceeds, their targets? How will they be recognised? Should they be rewarded? What if the opposite is true? What’s the strategy?
Vitesse creates the information needed for managers to take proactive steps and prioritise where to spend their time.
Vitesse brings fairness to the workplace – for fairness to prevail, managers have to lead.
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